Author Archives: Chuck_Maas

Good News

Though far fewer photographs are finished as prints these days, the desire by some photographers to produce prints at home or in a small studio has not disappeared, and the tools for doing so continue to improve. Epson has been … Continue reading

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Winter Dining

Birds have to eat all year round.  Mountain ash berries are a favorite source of food for winter residents in Anchorage, including this European Starling in striking non-breeding plumage.

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Advancements in Storage

Digital images are saved to a physical storage medium, first in the camera, and then in an editing computer (or smartphone/tablet if that’s your primary capture device). Like everything else, storage technology evolves, and at the moment several factors are … Continue reading

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Richard Nelson

Richard Nelson passed away earlier this month. Alaska Public Radio listeners will fondly remember him as the voice narrating the marvelous Encounters soundscapes. He was involved in many other endeavors as well, and at least part of his legacy of … Continue reading

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Avian Activity

It’s spring in southcentral Alaska and birds are busy raising young.  This American Dipper is delivering a salmon smolt to a nearby nest.  Dippers frequent clear fast-flowing rocky streams and catch much of their food underwater, sometimes walking with head … Continue reading

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They’re Back

It’s been much warmer than usual in Southcentral Alaska and the seasonal change has come early—way early!  One of the markers is the return of waterfowl.  The first gulls showed up yesterday; geese should follow soon.  The arrival of these … Continue reading

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Panasonic Full Frame

It’s official—there’s another full-frame digital mirrorless offering to mix it up with Sony, Nikon, and Canon—the Panasonic LUMIX S1 and S1R.  It’s not like this has been a secret, as it was part of a development announcement at Photokina back … Continue reading

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Card Readers

One of the mundane but crucial elements of digital workflow is the storage and transfer of image captures from camera to computer. Anything that speeds that up improves efficiency and effectiveness. As memory card types and protocols advance, so do … Continue reading

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Winter Browse

Winter came late this year in Anchorage, and it wasn’t until December that we had significant snowfall. Now we’re making up for it. Temperatures have been very mild as well and wildlife doesn’t seem to be having any trouble getting … Continue reading

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Understanding the Mirrorless Transition

Not everyone is infatuated with the granular technical aspects of new imaging tools, or the complex set of considerations big companies make in bringing new equipment to market. But for those that are, we seem to be at one of … Continue reading

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